So a Billionaire has gone up in Musk's X rocket for the first unofficial space walk and the highest anyone has gone since the 1970s
While we can moan about the utter waste of money we can at least marvel at the video showing a round earth.
Does this finally put the flat earthers to bed?
There will be new larger, longer digital signage at the Amex replacing all the current community stadium nonsense. I saw the planning application somewhere and it ties in with the change of name.
Has anyone been there recently and can supply photos?
Or any photos of the exclusive tunnel...
Messi has bought all his team mates gold iPhone as a memento.
Lionel Messi gifted Argentina team-mates and staff gold iPhones following their World Cup success and splurged £175,000 on 35 individual devices.
its from mail so I wont ruin the day by posting a link
I wonder what Mazuma will give...
This thread title will get the clicks!
My 9 year old son is currently keeping Brighton afloat due to the amount of water bottles we get through.
You are no-one unless you have a Brighton branded water bottle for school. But they are all rubbish.
They leak or the spout is too loose or in the...
I don't want to come across as a potential stalker but.....
My 8 year old football mad son would love to see some of the players, whats the best way to get up close?
He's been to matches and we've tried to get near the pitch, even the pre-season friendly we hoped there would be less people and...
Good old Mark - trotting out the old M25 derby bollocks - I'd be happy with a point but when has he ever been right?
Crystal Palace v Brighton (20:00 BST)
Liverpool took Crystal Palace apart last weekend, but otherwise the Eagles have done OK so far under Patrick Vieira.
This is Vieira's...
I don't mean phobias - yes spiders are tiny and shouldn't worry people but they do so thats that.
no, I mean specific things and why.
The theme tunes to "Tales of the Unexpected" and "Sorry". Both are very happy and jangly BUT they were the last things I could watch before lights out and...
Took my 6 year old to see the live action remake of that lovely 1940s cartoon Pinocchio.
It was genuinely disturbing.
Spoilers but he burnt his feet off, got hung, drowned as a donkey, elated by a sharped toothed whale but mainly the characters where scary as hell.
The wheezing tuna...
Whilst I don't condone thievery I was more shocked over the value of her jewelry.
Can it be morally acceptable to own jewels worth £50m? This is on top of her properties, cars, etc etc.
We all like nice things but I don't think I could...
We all need to get behind this as this route will be a test run for the one up to the amex.
The zip wire trial hasnt worked out well enough although I always thought the tower would need to be a tad higher to...
I have been watching the Spurs ground development almost as keenly as our very own lobster cam back in the day. All the talk of safety fears were nonsense as it just isn't a log way.
However the grass is being laid as we speak
My son reached the glorious age of 5 yesterday so we took him out for a treat dinner and tried "5 guys" down the marina. We had heard various references to it in the media from Absolute DJs talking or throwaway gags on 9 out of 10 cats does countdown plus the fact they seems to be everywhere so...
I watched the match yesterday and re-watched match of the day as I was curious If I remembered a small detail correctly.
I was proved correct but actually Brighton was playing and featured in the match. We were on the pitch for the whole match and scored three goals!
Amazing as most of the...
So I just got home from a fantasic night watching a brilliant Bowie tribute act at Concord 2 however I can't show you any of it as i didn't record it on my phone.....cos I'm not a ****ing pleb. Why to grown adults feel the need to badly record a small piece of life rather than living it? Do they...
So I fixed my boiler today providing heat for my family. It was a simple task of clearing the ice from the condensing pipe. However I feel manly and dominant like a hunter gatherer. I stepped up and delivered.
So what other relatively (or completely) simple jobs have you done that have...
Following on from the best bargain thread, what is the worst thing you have sold / situation where you have lost money.
You cant talk about the obvious ones i.e divorce, negative equity in a house, stock market crash or casino cock up.
I once sold a redundant bit of hifi, I went to Richer...
I am getting Sky Q for Crimbo! The only person I know who has it is my father who is too old to appreciate it and cant use the remotes or find the menus.
Does anyone else have it and is it as glorious as I hope it will be?
And before the Virgin fanboys attack, it was a free upgrade after a...
I'm after some help from the knowledgable NSC fraternity. I'm looking for a good, relaxing sauna, pool, hot tub experience locally.
I don't need a massage or manicure etc. I don't want exercise equipment. Just a chilled out couple of hours.
I recently went to the queens hotel but no hot tub...