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  1. 1066familyman

    Attendance against Huddersfield?

    Same as.
  2. 1066familyman

    Attendance against Huddersfield?

    Well said :thumbsup:
  3. 1066familyman

    Attendance against Huddersfield?

    No mistake on your part as it goes. An U16 buying a ticket on his/her own wouldn't be able to buy one for less than £13.50. That is indeed a shame, and I feel for any youngsters in that position. These are the very fans we should be enticing in, not deterring because of the high cost. :(
  4. 1066familyman

    Attendance against Huddersfield?

    U10's ARE a quid in the family stand ( when purchased with an adult ticket ). U16's are £4.50 in the family stand.......again, when purchased with an adult ticket.
  5. 1066familyman

    Attendance against Huddersfield?

    For our 10yr old, watching live football is part of the curriculum :wink:. Early to bed the night before and the night after and all's well with the world. Having said that, we won't be there this Tuesday. With so many games, home and away, in February, plus the recent trip to Villa Park...

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