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Forced Euthansia in... Holland? (Politican Talking Shit)


Sep 21, 2009
Under Your Skin.
He has done barely anything to contribute to America's democracy since he was voted out as Senator...he will not be Republican's presidential candidate!

"The survey from the American Research Group showed Romney with the backing of 39% of likely primary voters, compared to 35% who support Santorum." He's not miles off.


Well-known member
Jan 17, 2009
North Stand
"The survey from the American Research Group showed Romney with the backing of 39% of likely primary voters, compared to 35% who support Santorum." He's not miles off.

ARG are very unreliable though. They predicted Bush Snr to win his incumbent election; Bush Jnr to lose his incumbent election and Mrs Clinton to win the Democratic presidential election in 2008.

They are not a heavily reliable source!


Radio User
Jan 15, 2008
I'm also worried about Republicans - right wingers with that much power in the world scare the shit out of me.

However, I seem to remember hearing that surveys in Holland have shown that a significant number of their elderly fear it. That's quite different from what he's saying though.

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