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[Albion] Dahoud "In the end it just didn't work out"

Lenny Rider

Well-known member
Sep 15, 2010
Joins that band of Albion players for whom it didn't pan put how it was hoped.

Mickey Thomas and Jason Peake another two names from yesteryear whose Albion careers are not that well remembered.

Any others? (of course there are :))


Well-known member
Jul 13, 2003
I'm sure we signed and sold a player in the same window back at Withdean?
Think it was Colchester or someone… I’m thinking of the name now and not cheating….


Basic name……

Not Hughes…..

Ahhhhhhhh it’s on tip of tongue

Left Footer

Well-known member
Sep 26, 2007
That was at Gillingham, sold him for a profit to Hibernian in a matter of weeks in the summer of 97.
Pretty sure we signed him from Stoke on a free in the close season between leaving Gillingham and playing at Withdean, sure he played in friendlies and then we sold him to Hibernian for 100k before the season kicked off. Stand to be corrected though.


Well-known member
NSC Patron
Sep 1, 2017
Deepest, darkest Sussex
He stuck around longer, but Alireza Jahanbakhsh must be in the conversation


I've asked for soup
Jul 2, 2008
He stuck around longer, but Alireza Jahanbakhsh must be in the conversation
Yep. I found it odd when he and Locadia always got lumped in together as to my eye he had TONNES more natural talent than JL - he was however very lightweight, slow, and maybe a little too fragile for the demands of the Premier League.

I wasn't surprised to see him continue to do well once he left.

Guinness Boy

Tofu eating wokerati
Helpful Moderator
NSC Patron
Jul 23, 2003
Up and Coming Sunny Portslade
He stuck around longer, but Alireza Jahanbakhsh must be in the conversation
Signing players from The Netherlands should always come with a health warning. Mark Farrington came from Feynoord. Locadia came to us from PSV. Then there was Danny Holla!

Lenny Rider

Well-known member
Sep 15, 2010
Didn`t think he was too bad to be fair. 8 goals in 35 games.
Remember the sitter he missed at Selhurst in 1985?

I will stand corrected but that could have been the difference between failure and the third prmotion spot?

Guy Fawkes

The voice of treason
Sep 29, 2007
Craig Davis - looked like he was trying too hard and was really desperate to score but it just didn't happen for him and then some fans turned, forcing him out. He was then successful at the clubs he played for after he 'd left us

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