Showing my age but back in the late 70's & early 80's we had an actual large scale Far Right/Fascist/Nazi/Racist problem. The National Front etc. This hysterical over reaction to anything to the right of the Guardian viewpoint is ridiculous. Fair enough people don't like different points of view...
Oh good. Yet another thread designed for all the lefties to jump on have a pop. Maybe its for the best we aren't in the Cup final. Some of you lot would probably boo the National Anthem like the scousers did.
Not when you look at the alternative! Agree the Government have been useless though. We really are in a terrible state politically. Labour are truly dreadful but will get in simply as the lesser of 2 evils I expect.
Pretty sure 2016 is 7 years ago but then again I'm too thick to be sure I guess. It will continue to be a topic until some people can accept the result & move on I guess so you're probably right, decades!
Some of the arrogance on this thread is breathtaking. Anyone who doesn't agree is thick etc. Need to come to their senses bla bla bla. Perfectly happy with voting leave & would do again. Doesn't make me less intelligent that I have a different opinion. You are entitled to your opinion & I don't...
What might make things easier is if us working class, comprehensive school types weren't allowed to vote at all. You superiors could simply decide whats best for us. Maybe make us have symbols on our clothing so we can be easily identified as the inferiors that we are?