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A question?

Red Rival

New member
Mar 15, 2011
Silvercoast Portugal
Firstly may I congratulate BHA on a superb season thus far, so often the pressure of leading the pack causes the wheels to fall off but I share your confidence in that you will go up as champions. The rest of us are just trying to grab your shirt-tails and avoid the lottery of the play-off.

As a Saints far for over 40 years I'm quite surprised by the level of stick we get here on The Big Board, I know we're perceived as 'arrogant' but aren't all fans where their own club is concerned? We, along with everyone else, aren't 'by far the greatest team, the world has ever seen' but it is still sung up and down the country week-in, week-out. And no doubt you will have aspirations of successive promotions when you commence next season, could some accuse you of arrogance? No, not for me, that's what being a fan is all about.

Anyway, my question. When Gus took charge, if I remember correctly, his first game in charge was away to us, a surprise (to us at least !! ) 3-1 victory. Now given the way he has got you guys playing and the success that came with it this season, how long will it be before a Prem or NPC club comes knocking? And how confident are you at keeping him?

For me, I wish I had a job where if I was sh1t at it they would have to pay out the rest of my contract and therefore I think as a successful manager this season he would have to grab the first 'big' job offer that comes along either in the close season or when the managerial merry-go-round begins again next season or else he (and his agent) might miss the boat.

FWIW I think we're safe with Nigel, I don't expect anyone to come knocking soon.

Goldstone Rapper

Rediffusion PlayerofYear
Jan 19, 2009
I expect Gus to stay for at least another season. Job offers come and go and come up again. To be the manager leading us out at the Amex would write his name in history.

So as a Southampton fan for over 40 years, did you watch the match against Spurs that clinched promotion in 1977-78? What was that match like?


New member
Jun 7, 2009
Firstly may I congratulate BHA on a superb season thus far, so often the pressure of leading the pack causes the wheels to fall off but I share your confidence in that you will go up as champions. The rest of us are just trying to grab your shirt-tails and avoid the lottery of the play-off.

As a Saints far for over 40 years I'm quite surprised by the level of stick we get here on The Big Board, I know we're perceived as 'arrogant' but aren't all fans where their own club is concerned? We, along with everyone else, aren't 'by far the greatest team, the world has ever seen' but it is still sung up and down the country week-in, week-out. And no doubt you will have aspirations of successive promotions when you commence next season, could some accuse you of arrogance? No, not for me, that's what being a fan is all about.

Anyway, my question. When Gus took charge, if I remember correctly, his first game in charge was away to us, a surprise (to us at least !! ) 3-1 victory. Now given the way he has got you guys playing and the success that came with it this season, how long will it be before a Prem or NPC club comes knocking? And how confident are you at keeping him?

For me, I wish I had a job where if I was sh1t at it they would have to pay out the rest of my contract and therefore I think as a successful manager this season he would have to grab the first 'big' job offer that comes along either in the close season or when the managerial merry-go-round begins again next season or else he (and his agent) might miss the boat.

FWIW I think we're safe with Nigel, I don't expect anyone to come knocking soon.

The last part is 100% correct.
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I'll Get Me Coat

New member
Feb 28, 2011
Football is all about money, either be it a player, a manager or director.

Gus has proved he can mix it with the rest as proven if you look at the turn around in form, the style of football and league position of the Seagulls now.

Tony Blooms backing plus the opening of the Amex for next season will definitely have an impact on whever the structure stays as it is.

Seasons are long and hard in football.


Not the JPF ..splitters !
Jun 22, 2010
The Port of Noddy Holder
Thank you Red Rival , I used to think you were all arrogant , but I am starting to warm you all a bit now. Unfortunatly your owner's choice of managers is another thing entirely when Adkins out Pardews Pardew.

Anyway , to your point , I think we all just assumed it was only a matter of time before Gus took his bus elsewhere.The supposed vacant job at Spurs when Harry takes over from Fabio for example. It may happen , it may not.

But as time goes on , Gus is saying a lot of very encouraging things , largely unprompted , about staying longer than we would ever expect or imagine.

(Being a Brighton fan , fearing the worst is in our DNA. I too have supported the Albion for 40 years . First game was 23/04/71 to be precise . And look who we are playing on my 40th anniversary !! )

Therefore , I am starting to look at him in a way that this season was his personal test . Next season will be his challenge .It's almost day 1 of his real goals . He has said quite a few times he wants to be in the Prem and Brighton want to be in the Prem. He has followed that with the "the easiest way to do thiis , is we all go together ".

Encouraging stuff.

Beach Hut

Brighton Bhuna Boy
Jul 5, 2003
Living In a Box
The more I think about this the more I think he is here long term as I think if offers come and we remain successful Bloom will pay him more.

What he is done is construct his own team and a very good one that only needs a few additions, if you go to a Premiership team unless you are bloody good and can hang around you only get the players you inherit. The other fact is he would never get offered a top Premiership post without cutting his teeth with a not so good Premiership club - you do realise he turned down assistant manger at Real Madrid for us.


Not the JPF ..splitters !
Jun 22, 2010
The Port of Noddy Holder
I expect Gus to stay for at least another season. Job offers come and go and come up again. To be the manager leading us out at the Amex would write his name in history.

So as a Southampton fan for over 40 years, did you watch the match against Spurs that clinched promotion in 1977-78? What was that match like?

With all that hand shaking going on, not quite kicking the ball and the deluge of knowing winks , it probably resembled a very dubious Morris Dance.

Nothing against Morris Dancers you understand .


Well-known member
Nov 14, 2004
With the stadium, team and structure now in place and Gus being central to all our plans I think we have all the makings of a very competitive championship side (certainly no worse than Norwich). So I don't think championship jobs are a threat and whilst Gus has been a great success I can't see a top premiership side coming in at the moment. I think we have him for at least next season and then beyond depending on how we perform at the next level.

I'll Get Me Coat

New member
Feb 28, 2011
The more I think about this the more I think he is here long term as I think if offers come and we remain successful Bloom will pay him more.

What he is done is construct his own team and a very good one that only needs a few additions, if you go to a Premiership team unless you are bloody good and can hang around you only get the players you inherit. The other fact is he would never get offered a top Premiership post without cutting his teeth with a not so good Premiership club - you do realise he turned down assistant manger at Real Madrid for us.

Brighton deserve a long spell of stability to progress in to the team that should have been. Long gone are the days of old when there was a possibillty of no football club what so ever. Every dog has it day and hopefully the form we are in will prove that at the end of the season. All the powers to be at Brighton have stated that their mission is for Brighton to progress to the Premiership, money seems no object and that speaks volumes in Football no matter what league you play in.

Also, after years of waiting for a home the Amex stadium will be one of the finest in the league 1 and the Championship (and possibly the Premier). Surely Gus can see that he is riding the favourite in the Derby, who wouldn't dream of having that ?

Red Rival

New member
Mar 15, 2011
Silvercoast Portugal
Thank you guys for your adult responses. No I didn't realise GP had turned down Real Madrid No.2 spot for yourselves, but then again I guess he'd served his time as a number 2 and if you want to make a name for yourself.....

And to the two posters who mention 1978 (again?) yes I was there, 15 years old and full of testosterone. I was in 'the West Stand' right by the away fans. Saints had erected temporary fences all along The Archers which the Spuds fans tore their way threw over the two hours of the game and although some of us younger fans may have been quietly hoping for a draw our team didn't care for our safety, remember that we had to win to stand a chance of going up as champions and also remember that if Spuds had scored they would have been assured of promotion. I still remember Tony Funnell hitting the post when it seemed he must score but I don't believe for one second that a player has the ability to hit the post, Christ most can't even hit the target.

If Saints come up with Brighton, it'll be a South coast double and deservedly so.

Good luck Southampton, there's several Albion who will be happy enough about that little 'monopoly' scenario.

Who else to come up......? Maybe HTFC - I recall their fans being very pleasant when they've visited us so that would be my own choice to hope for.

Kalimantan Gull

Well-known member
Aug 13, 2003
Central Borneo / the Lizard
I'd be surprised if Saints don't go up now. And a division with Brighton, Pompey, Palace, Saints, Millwall, Reading and perhaps Bournemouth and West Ham as well will be a lot of fun, even more so as this will be the first time in 21 seasons that we can properly expect our team to be able to compete at this level - quite a salivating prospect.

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