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Amex crowd figure....


Active member
Oct 8, 2008
Brightonian in Manchester
Just wondering how they calculate the crowd figure, i was lucky enough to go in the 1901 for saturdays game and at no point did i swipe the card anywhere and nor did the other 3 people i was with. So how did they know our seats were taken or do they just automatically count all 1901 seats as being taken?? Anyway what a brilliant day, my normal seat is in lowers west so it was nice to watch game from slightly higher up and the atmosphere in the 1901 bit that we was in was pretty good!!!! Cant wait for tomorrow!!!!


Well-known member
Jul 2, 2008
Hong Kong
The 1901 aread have prawn shaped microchips inserted in the seats, similar to the ones you have in mordern cars which detect pressure. This is from a solid source at the club.


[Insert witty title here]
Nov 28, 2005
Some one did a head count for the stadium. The figure would have been announced ealirer, but he lost track a couple of times


Well-known member
Feb 24, 2009
yeah i think 1901 seats are just counted as present mate. was quality up there wasnt it, left for bloody scotland at about 12 the next day, long old drive that was and i still cant speak right haha

Ecosse Exile

New member
May 20, 2009
Alicante, Spain
Just wondering how they calculate the crowd figure, i was lucky enough to go in the 1901 for saturdays game and at no point did i swipe the card anywhere and nor did the other 3 people i was with. So how did they know our seats were taken or do they just automatically count all 1901 seats as being taken?? Anyway what a brilliant day, my normal seat is in lowers west so it was nice to watch game from slightly higher up and the atmosphere in the 1901 bit that we was in was pretty good!!!! Cant wait for tomorrow!!!!

Never mind all that Dan, wheres the bloody photos :lolol:


Active member
Oct 8, 2008
Brightonian in Manchester
yeah i think 1901 seats are just counted as present mate. was quality up there wasnt it, left for bloody scotland at about 12 the next day, long old drive that was and i still cant speak right haha

Great day Danny didnt envy you that drive yesterday!!! I guess must be counted as present although i think im gonna go with the prawn shape sensors in the seats lol

Storer 68

New member
Apr 19, 2011
Attendance figures can be either based on tickets sold or people that have gone through the turnstiles.

For tax purposes it would be tickets sold, for safety purposes it would clicks of a turnstile.

No idea which one is the quoted attandance figure - suspect it is the latter


Well-known member
Feb 24, 2009
haha well it sounds logical to me. though saying that, i didnt see any prawn sandwiches there, did you?? i was rather looking forward to the prawn sandwiches and all i got was a measly delicious chicken pie :(

Lady Whistledown

Well-known member
NSC Patron
Jul 7, 2003
Simple formula for the 1901s:


a= attendance
b= number of canapes produced
c= bottles of Pimms consumed
y= prawns purchased by Albion catering department
z= pitchside temperature in degrees Centigrade)


Well-known member
Nov 26, 2007
Wolsingham, County Durham
Simple formula for the 1901s:


a= attendance
b= number of canapes produced
c= bottles of Pimms consumed
y= prawns purchased by Albion catering department
z= pitchside temperature in degrees Centigrade)

It's a good job b + c are canapes and Pimms and not pies and pints, otherwise there would be more 1901ers than stadium capacity. :D


VERY part time moderator
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NSC Patron
Aug 8, 2005
Both times I've gone in 1901 I've swiped my card. In fact for the Spurs game the damn card didn't work so they wouldn't let me in! Until I stamped my feet and cried.


Jul 7, 2003
In a pile of football shirts
if you don't swipe your card, you wont be registered as having attended, won't that have a bearing on loyalty points? BTW, we all swiped, had no choice, no-one was getting through without doing so.


Active member
Oct 8, 2008
Brightonian in Manchester
if you don't swipe your card, you wont be registered as having attended, won't that have a bearing on loyalty points? BTW, we all swiped, had no choice, no-one was getting through without doing so.

We must have been in the extremely posh bit then lol.......home league attendance doesnt count towards loyalty points i dont think and we got the tickets through a friends company who couldnt use them themself for this particular game and someone else had my season ticket so not a problem if we do get in fact the crowd attendance was 4 more than stated lol.


Well-known member
Dec 26, 2005
Just far enough away from LDC
The 1901 aread have prawn shaped microchips inserted in the seats, similar to the ones you have in mordern cars which detect pressure. This is from a solid source at the club.

Not true - we have NO chips at the Amex

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