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Boring brighton fans .....again


Well-known member
Mar 6, 2011
I would suggest the OP bash one out before going to bed. Might help relieve some of that pent up frustration - jeez

Goldstone Rapper

Rediffusion PlayerofYear
Jan 19, 2009
So every time we are shit all keep your mouths shut , well that will help things nicely. YOU MONG FROM MONGHAVEN

You still haven't explained what happened.

Goldstone Rapper

Rediffusion PlayerofYear
Jan 19, 2009
I would suggest the OP bash one out before going to bed. Might help relieve some of that pent up frustration - jeez

You've misspelt jizz. Tut tut.


bring on the trumpets....
NSC Patron
Jan 22, 2009
So every time we are shit all keep your mouths shut , well that will help things nicely. YOU MONG FROM MONGHAVEN

Aww bless, that the best you got?

There was nothing on the pitch in the first half deserving of any noise whatsoever hence it was quiet or is that a bit complicated for you to understand?

Jul 5, 2003
It's not helped when half the North Stand seems to have decided that some boy scouts song is the answer.

Go left go right go f*** off zzzzz

Goldstone Rapper

Rediffusion PlayerofYear
Jan 19, 2009


Feb 5, 2012
I would suggest the OP bash one out before going to bed. Might help relieve some of that pent up frustration - jeez

Don't tar me with the Lancing pikey brush , bet you festoon your caravan every night , or do you pull a pikey Lancing dog to wack one up....

Goldstone Rapper

Rediffusion PlayerofYear
Jan 19, 2009
It's not helped when half the North Stand seems to have decided that some boy scouts song is the answer.

Go left go right go f*** off zzzzz

This. Holy cow, that chant is shit.


Jul 19, 2003
Firmly believe in giving the team support first but no matter how much we tried we got no response. In the NS it was pretty good in first half after that a lot seemed to give up trying.

I was given two fingers by some little shit tonight for abit of banter with the judge. Never in my life have I seen Brighton turning on Brighton. Pathetic.

It will be alright let's just continue 90 mins of support and it will turn out okay.


Feb 5, 2012
Do you sit in a detached Victorian house and scribe sonnets when not posting such elegant slang on here? Deary me if you are who I beleive you to be, the incredibly loud, annoying, shouty "one song" man from the North Stand, do us all a favour and shut up.

You must be the bloke that sings his heart out every game and really gets behind the team, well done . I take my hat off to you sir you are credit to all football fans throughout the land.


New member
Jan 31, 2012
Firmly believe in giving the team support first but no matter how much we tried we got no response. In the NS it was pretty good in first half after that a lot seemed to give up trying.

I was given two fingers by some little shit tonight for abit of banter with the judge. Never in my life have I seen Brighton turning on Brighton. Pathetic.

It will be alright let's just continue 90 mins of support and it will turn out okay.

Would that be the kid in the row in front of the judge ? If so, he was calling everyone who wasn't singing a **** - they went on the 65th minute and didn't come back, never saw them before so was probably guesting - they won't be missed.

Also booed when Darren Balkhams name was mentioned for his birthday.

Westdene Seagull

aka Cap'n Carl Firecrotch
NSC Patron
Oct 27, 2003
The arse end of Hangleton
Never in my life have I seen Brighton turning on Brighton. Pathetic.

Agreed -there were some stupid bints in the NS tonight taking the piss out of anyone who chose not to sing. If only they'd spent their energy on supporting the team !

You must be the bloke that sings his heart out every game and really gets behind the team, well done . I take my hat off to you sir you are credit to all football fans throughout the land.

So come on then - who are we the laughing stock with then ?

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