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[Politics] General Election 2024 - 4th July


Legacy Fan
Aug 20, 2003
I actually know someone standing for office although I haven't spoken to them for years.

They've been trying for many years, so that will be the one I'll be watching tonight.

Nice person.


Well-known member
NSC Patron
Jul 10, 2003
Fair play to you too, despite my differences with you i’ve always found you to be honest and true to your beliefs, half these Labour newbie’s would wear a dog shit neckless if Sir Kier Spineless told them too!!

View attachment 185160
Come on own up, who did this to her campaign office in Church Road Hove this week, and super glued the lock too!!!

Interesting, iirc the last story i read about an MP (local to me here in Hove) wasn’t of the Tory persuasion 😉

I'm assuming you're making a bid for the King's award for subtlety tonight :laugh:

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