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[Albion] Georginio Rutter

One Teddy Maybank

Well-known member
NSC Patron
Aug 4, 2006
I hope they don't sell Guehi for top dollar. I'd rather they keep him than get a load of cash to spend. He's massively over-rated IMO.

The Eng-er-land media at the Euros have a set narrative about how AMAZING he has been. He really hasn't. He made a huge mistake in the first game (passed it, under no pressure, straight to the feet of a striker on the edge of the box. Because the bloke ballsed it up, doesn't discount the error. And then of course he was most at fault for the goal on Sunday that so nearly saw England dumped out of the competition (losing his header, and then failing to track his man).

He may well have been okay for England, but actually that’s against a pretty poor bunch, and the last game he had a bit of a nightmare IMO.


Colonel Hee-Haw of Queen's Park
NSC Patron
Apr 5, 2014


wake me up before you gogo who needs potter when
May 16, 2006
he also owns race horses so something in common with Mr bloom


Well-known member
NSC Patron
Aug 25, 2011
Withdean area
Agree with all the Guehi comments above, I’m glad other football watchers have views independent of the silly media clammer. For me, based on seeing him in the PL too, he comes across as just another reasonable CB with pace to sometimes get him out of trouble, nothing more than that. No passing game.

I definitely didn’t get the feeling going back to a young Sol Campbell in a Goldstone friendly (1994?) or more recently Ake for example, of wow, this CB’s unbeatable. Guehi didn’t stand out.


Well-known member
Jul 23, 2008
The price tag is rightfully going to sway people's opinion on whether this would be a good signing, but signing a 22 year old who was ever present in a promotion chasing Championship side with 21 goals & assists last season feels like one with good potential. Pedro had 15 Championship goals and assists in 35 appearances, so a similar output, and was a similar price.

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