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Homeless in Brighton

The Fifth Column

Lazy mug
Nov 30, 2010
You're absolutely correct, it is a problem. For those that are homeless. And yes something needs doing. To ensure that people aren't forced to live on the streets.

Maybe you could start by cutting off their heroin and extra strong lager supplies? A lot of them haven't been forced to be homeless, they've brought it upon themselves by choosing to shoot up or sink 15 cans a day. I find it difficult to sympathise with the scummy shoplifting aggressive street begging sort. They come here because its rich pickings in Brighton and because of the countless support groups they can use to perpetuate their pathetic lifestyles.


Well-known member
Feb 25, 2009
Zabbar- Malta
That is a very sweeping statement. Is it based on factual evidence or just a left wing perspective where everyone is a victim of the cruel upper classes?

The alternative view could based on having seen addicts collect their Methadone in Upper Lewes Road and get into a waiting BMW and move on. I agree that nobody chooses to be an addict but a lot choose to do nothing about it and expect society to pay for their habit. I speak as an ex shopkeeper who had continuous problems with shoplifters who thought it was ok to steal to feed their habit.
Some of the population resents funding spongers and unfortunately that can affect the really needy. I have posted on another thread that the majority of voters decide on party loyalty or from a selfish point of what's in it for me?


Well-known member
Feb 25, 2009
Zabbar- Malta
All classes are victims of the absurd drug laws in this country, not just junkies, but it's not an issue that has anything to do with wealth or class. The only real winners are criminal drug dealers, many of them end up millionaires for fuelling peoples addictions and destroying their lives.

Imagine being in a situation where you have nothing to live for, except an addition that will cause you physical pain if you do not feed it. You have no money, no chance of getting a job, you have lost your benefits because of the effect it is having on your brain... if you were in that situation, how easy would it be for you to, against your better judgement, steal from a shop to feed your habit.

The drug laws in this country cause so much suffering it is beyond madness. If heroin addiction was treated as a medical problem rather than a criminal one, we could give these people the help they need, even if that means prescribing them heroin to reduce crime and wean them off it and then forward into a regular life.

Sorry but that is pathetic. So you are blaming peoples weakness on the laws? Should all these drugs be legal? People need to take some responsibility and not expect society to solve their problems.You don't have to be sick to try drugs.The weak ones go back for more.


Well-known member
Sep 12, 2013
I believe that every person is a product of their environment. If a person has a tough childhood and is from a poor background, then finds themselves socialising with heroin addicts, there is an inevitability that they will become heroin addicts themselves. I don't blame them for this, they have just been unfortunate, I consider them to be victims of circumstance.

The drug laws in this country are incredibly destructive to these people and society as a whole. The way we criminalise a person caught having a joint or an ecstasy, despite it adding potentially £7bn economy if it were legal, is absurd. I do believe that a vast majority of drugs should be completely legal - then taxed and regulated - with the hard drugs such as heroin being treated as medical problems rather than criminal ones.

The government shouldn't be expected to solve every man's problems, but it should take responsibility when it is ruining lives - we can help these people and do more to prevent drug addiction in future generations... but the only way we can do this is by taking away the criminal aspect of something which really is fundamental human nature, which is the pursuit of mind altering substances.

Or woman's Reg.


Originally the Swankers
Jun 28, 2008
I believe that every person is a product of their environment. If a person has a tough childhood and is from a poor background, then finds themselves socialising with heroin addicts, there is an inevitability that they will become heroin addicts themselves. I don't blame them for this, they have just been unfortunate, I consider them to be victims of circumstance.

The drug laws in this country are incredibly destructive to these people and society as a whole. The way we criminalise a person caught having a joint or an ecstasy, despite it adding potentially £7bn economy if it were legal, is absurd. I do believe that a vast majority of drugs should be completely legal - then taxed and regulated - with the hard drugs such as heroin being treated as medical problems rather than criminal ones.

The government shouldn't be expected to solve every man's problems, but it should take responsibility when it is ruining lives - we can help these people and do more to prevent drug addiction in future generations... but the only way we can do this is by taking away the criminal aspect of something which really is fundamental human nature, which is the pursuit of mind altering substances.

Are you saying its human nature to want to peruse mind altering substances?
I know some people want to, emphasis on some, goodness knows why, but is certainly is not human nature.


Well-known member
Jul 5, 2003
You just get better, so now the poor are an eyesore? jeez

Yes, the homeless ARE an eyesore. Maybe, just maybe if they stopped drinking and cleaned themselves up they might find a job like the rest of us. And how come most of them seem to be able to afford to feed a bloody dog? We need to be less accommodating to them so that they sod off to somewhere else and ruin some other city.

It's like Santa Monica used to be in the 80s, maybe still is ... attracted the homeless from all over California because they knew they could get free food and accommodation. The result was it put normal decent people off visiting the city. Who wants to be accosted by drunken homeless people at every street corner?

Market Street in San Francisco is another example. They hang around there in large numbers. The filthiest, smelliest people you have ever seen. Only place I have seen people pissing in the street in broad daylight. Disgusting. Friend of mine who visits the city regularly has found a solution .... stay in a hotel on one of the city's many hills. The homeless don't do hills.

The solution. Stop giving them money, stop giving them food, stop providing them with accommodation. Maybe then they'd figure out that the world didn't owe them a living and if they want to eat they'd better smarten up and find a job.

As you can tell I have zero sympathy fort these people.


Proud Hoveonian
Feb 10, 2013
The drug laws in this country are incredibly destructive to these people and society as a whole. The way we criminalise a person caught having a joint or an ecstasy, despite it adding potentially £7bn economy if it were legal, is absurd. I do believe that a vast majority of drugs should be completely legal - then taxed and regulated - with the hard drugs such as heroin being treated as medical problems rather than criminal ones.

I'm very uneasy about taxing drugs, governments making money off of drugging their citizens sounds highly Orwellian and just asking for abuse.


New member
Feb 16, 2011
Yes, the homeless ARE an eyesore. Maybe, just maybe if they stopped drinking and cleaned themselves up they might find a job like the rest of us. And how come most of them seem to be able to afford to feed a bloody dog? We need to be less accommodating to them so that they sod off to somewhere else and ruin some other city.

It's like Santa Monica used to be in the 80s, maybe still is ... attracted the homeless from all over California because they knew they could get free food and accommodation. The result was it put normal decent people off visiting the city. Who wants to be accosted by drunken homeless people at every street corner?

Market Street in San Francisco is another example. They hang around there in large numbers. The filthiest, smelliest people you have ever seen. Only place I have seen people pissing in the street in broad daylight. Disgusting. Friend of mine who visits the city regularly has found a solution .... stay in a hotel on one of the city's many hills. The homeless don't do hills.

The solution. Stop giving them money, stop giving them food, stop providing them with accommodation. Maybe then they'd figure out that the world didn't owe them a living and if they want to eat they'd better smarten up and find a job.

As you can tell I have zero sympathy fort these people.

I've met many homeless people who come across as being far far more a decent a human being than you do.

The Fifth Column

Lazy mug
Nov 30, 2010
Not a single person alive "wants" to be a heroin addict. These people are victims of circumstance who fall into homelessness and criminality, but their problems exacerbated by our country's ridiculous drug laws, rather than getting the help they need.

You are so out of touch with the reality of the scourge of Brighton's thousands of smackheads its untrue! There are plenty quite happy to be functioning addicts with no real desire to get off drugs or try any kind of rehab, they aren't interested in getting 'the help they need'. They aren't victims, the victims are the people whose houses get burgled, bags snatched, shops shoplifted from, cars broken into, faces punched etc etc. No countries drug laws are perfect but ours are better than most and no amount of legalisation or relaxing of drug laws will stop the majority of these weak minded and addict prone carrying on as they are and taking the piss out of the system and the rest of us. Show me one genuine non drug taking, non drinking, available for work homeless person and I will show you 20 skanky drink and drug addled non Brightonians here to simply take the piss.


New member
Apr 7, 2013
You are so out of touch with the reality of the scourge of Brighton's thousands of smackheads its untrue! There are plenty quite happy to be functioning addicts with no real desire to get off drugs or try any kind of rehab, they aren't interested in getting 'the help they need'. They aren't victims, the victims are the people whose houses get burgled, bags snatched, shops shoplifted from, cars broken into, faces punched etc etc. No countries drug laws are perfect but ours are better than most and no amount of legalisation or relaxing of drug laws will stop the majority of these weak minded and addict prone carrying on as they are and taking the piss out of the system and the rest of us. Show me one genuine non drug taking, non drinking, available for work homeless person and I will show you 20 skanky drink and drug addled non Brightonians here to simply take the piss.

And there speaks the voice of ignorance.


Dangerous Idiot
Jun 21, 2012
Born In Shoreham
Yes, the homeless ARE an eyesore. Maybe, just maybe if they stopped drinking and cleaned themselves up they might find a job like the rest of us. And how come most of them seem to be able to afford to feed a bloody dog? We need to be less accommodating to them so that they sod off to somewhere else and ruin some other city.

It's like Santa Monica used to be in the 80s, maybe still is ... attracted the homeless from all over California because they knew they could get free food and accommodation. The result was it put normal decent people off visiting the city. Who wants to be accosted by drunken homeless people at every street corner?

Market Street in San Francisco is another example. They hang around there in large numbers. The filthiest, smelliest people you have ever seen. Only place I have seen people pissing in the street in broad daylight. Disgusting. Friend of mine who visits the city regularly has found a solution .... stay in a hotel on one of the city's many hills. The homeless don't do hills.

The solution. Stop giving them money, stop giving them food, stop providing them with accommodation. Maybe then they'd figure out that the world didn't owe them a living and if they want to eat they'd better smarten up and find a job.

As you can tell I have zero sympathy fort these people.
I have no words.


New member
Jan 17, 2011
I knew a herion addict who was a habitual theif with a record to prove it, he was given a flat in Merstham his drugs paid for and dole money. ..............just saying.

He past away about about 15 years ago.

Too many bleeding hearts make excuses for people making stupid decisions, SOME of those homeless people are not entirely blameless for their situation and THATS the sad reality. Same as people who bang on about benefits cuts, im a single dad with a child at home I am not entitled to a council house becouse I work, the same as my ex wife (with iur other child at home) but because we work and always have we regularly get screwed while the "im too depressed to ever work" or "its not my fault I have too many kids with different men and started before I left school" or ""I have a criminal record since I was 15 and cant get a job, im now forty" and lets not forget the "I had one day at work and hurt my back so cant ever work again" . Thats the reality of most of your dole dossers that the bleading hearts say need benefits! No wonder Britain is such a s### hole when there are ao many out of touch do gooders and bleeding hearts! Walk in my shoes for a week and yyou will soon change your mind when you have bailiffs on the door of your crappy private rented flat because you missed a payment to buy a 2nd hand xbox for your son while the great unwashed and always unemployed family down the road in their council house and garden by their kids a new xbox one, then see how sympathetic you are, it seems to me all the people who stand up for "the poor on benefits" own their own house have a good income and NO fking clue of real life!!!!


Huge Member
Oct 19, 2003
I knew a herion addict who was a habitual theif with a record to prove it, he was given a flat in Merstham his drugs paid for and dole money. ..............just saying.

He past away about about 15 years ago.

Too many bleeding hearts make excuses for people making stupid decisions, SOME of those homeless people are not entirely blameless for their situation and THATS the sad reality. Same as people who bang on about benefits cuts, im a single dad with a child at home I am not entitled to a council house becouse I work, the same as my ex wife (with iur other child at home) but because we work and always have we regularly get screwed while the "im too depressed to ever work" or "its not my fault I have too many kids with different men and started before I left school" or ""I have a criminal record since I was 15 and cant get a job, im now forty" and lets not forget the "I had one day at work and hurt my back so cant ever work again" . Thats the reality of most of your dole dossers that the bleading hearts say need benefits! No wonder Britain is such a s### hole when there are ao many out of touch do gooders and bleeding hearts! Walk in my shoes for a week and yyou will soon change your mind when you have bailiffs on the door of your crappy private rented flat because you missed a payment to buy a 2nd hand xbox for your son while the great unwashed and always unemployed family down the road in their council house and garden by their kids a new xbox one, then see how sympathetic you are, it seems to me all the people who stand up for "the poor on benefits" own their own house have a good income and NO fking clue of real life!!!!

Yeah I can't stand those people who constantly complain about their situations and attempt to blame everybody else. If only they had made better decisions in life and worked a bit harder, then their situations wouldn't be so bad.


Huge Member
Oct 19, 2003
You are so out of touch with the reality of the scourge of Brighton's thousands of smackheads its untrue! There are plenty quite happy to be functioning addicts with no real desire to get off drugs or try any kind of rehab, they aren't interested in getting 'the help they need'. They aren't victims, the victims are the people whose houses get burgled, bags snatched, shops shoplifted from, cars broken into, faces punched etc etc. No countries drug laws are perfect but ours are better than most and no amount of legalisation or relaxing of drug laws will stop the majority of these weak minded and addict prone carrying on as they are and taking the piss out of the system and the rest of us. Show me one genuine non drug taking, non drinking, available for work homeless person and I will show you 20 skanky drink and drug addled non Brightonians here to simply take the piss.

To be honest I think it is you who is out of touch here. Talk to a few addicts who are trying to get clean and you will see that your post is mostly nonsense.

You talked about plenty who are functioning addicts with no desire to get off drugs or try rehab. How on earth do you know this about any significant number of addicts? In my experience most addicts will not open up easily about the downside of their lifestyles (bit like everybody else really). they will try and kid you (and themselves) that they are happy living their lives and wish to be seen as bucking and screwing the system. it is only when an addict is trying to kick that you get any kind of honesty from them.

Addicts may be weak minded and addict prone and this is good reason while the rest of society should help them to stay on the straight and narrow. Another reason of course is that if we can keep these weak minded addicts off smack then we have less burglary, bag snatching, shop lifing etc. We gladly help people with physical disabilities in order to make our society better, perhaps we should start to transfer this kind of thinking to those with psychological problems too.

Drug laws are not working it is really time to try another approach.


Huge Member
Oct 19, 2003
There are 2 simple explanations for the housing crisis. A - we build far too few homes, blame planning laws, nimbyism, not investing receipts of council house sales. B mass immigration driving prices up and supply down. Thousands of council properties are now occupied by immigrants, doesn't help with the desperate shortage of social housing, for these homeless we are talking about

You missed out the fact that their are more than enough properties standing empty across the UK to house all the homeless. And that property prices across London are being artificially inflated by the mega rich buying properties and only living in them for a few weeks of the year.


Huge Member
Oct 19, 2003
Yes, the homeless ARE an eyesore. Maybe, just maybe if they stopped drinking and cleaned themselves up they might find a job like the rest of us. And how come most of them seem to be able to afford to feed a bloody dog? We need to be less accommodating to them so that they sod off to somewhere else and ruin some other city.

So really you have no interest in solving the problem you just want to make it someone else's problem.

NIMBYism at its finest


New member
Jul 14, 2003
Yatton, North Somerset
Why do they all have dogs?.....because they get a benefit allowance to feed the dog, then give him free scraps and use the money for themselves.....

It also limits their accommodation choices if and when offered, another choice that dictates their circumstances.


Huge Member
Oct 19, 2003
Why do they all have dogs?.....because they get a benefit allowance to feed the dog, then give him free scraps and use the money for themselves.....

It also limits their accommodation choices if and when offered, another choice that dictates their circumstances.

Those *******s really are milking the system. Living the highlife while we all work like dogs..... *******s with their expensive addictions and glamorous free wheelin lifestyles!!

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