That looks like a screenshot from the BBC iplayer link above.
Very hairy.
Very hairy.
Slightly surprised by that.
Very hairy.
Maybe the royal family's dwarfish clan of professional bodyshavers are on strike and refuse to emerge from the archaic hovel that sits afoot each of the palatial gardens. I hear they are paid in swanbeaks - they're a mouthless creature, you see, and like to applaud with the wriggle of their sewn on bills - and acid pistols, with which they hunt, and ER is running low on the former. My father used to be a chauffeur, and he'd sometimes hear the scurry of these little beasts come nightfall when his drivee, usually an ambassador with a trunk full of chicks and drugs, stayed after hours, the curtains drawn in an upper window, any hollers for help deafened by some ear-splitting Bach. Stepping out of his limousine, a small selection of squirrel tails would be found, and stark, still-steaming marks where the body of said animal once more than likely lay. From what papa said before his disappearance back in '07, a revolution of these minute monsters was on the cards and no man was to open their wagon's door if the rat-a-tat seemed to be from 3 feet or below after the sun had completely set. The police investigation into my father's whereabouts was brief. They knew it was them. I knew it was them. My mother disbelieved and thought father had gone off to join some religious cult thanks to just sitting and waiting and thinking all the time in the shadow of obscene opulence. I can see what she means, but for me it'll always be the little people. And i'll get revenge as soon as i uncover their prime weaknesses.
I don't mind a well maintained and clipped one but never been keen on a woman with Sherwood Forest down there....
In my experience, if the lady looks after the eyebrows, downstairs is usually well kept.
Bushy eye brows, bushy bush.
Not sure if I'm allowed to post this site? Have done in the past on here. so here goes:
In my experience, if the lady looks after the eyebrows, downstairs is usually well kept.
Bushy eye brows, bushy bush.