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player ratings V Derby

king Wombat

Well-known member
Nov 9, 2003
wombat world
General thoughts on the team performance.

Defensively looked very vulnerable at times but Mcshane in particular was superb.

Going Forward, worked well as a unit but no flair from our midfield.

Henderson - 5. looked very shaky, don't think he actually held a shot/cross until about 75 minutes

Dodd - 6 Was personally a bit dissapointed. He is a classy player but my thoughts were that he seemed to be a yard off the pace, almost as if he believed the championship is slower than it actually is.

Mayo - 6, did ok, occasional aimless hoofing as is his wont, but fairly solid.

Mcshane - 9, my man of the match. Thought he was superb, tackling, passing, reading the game was excellent.

Butters - 6. Great as always in the air but left Mcshane exposed a few times, and is not getting any quicker!

Reid - 7. Did ok

Oatway - 7 - tenacious as ever

Carpenter 6. fairly quiet, but worked hard and showed some nice touches.

Hammond - 7.5. Was superb in the first half but much quieter in the second.

CKR - 8 - Great debut, unlucky not to get a penalty and seems to have a good shot on him

Knight - 7 - tracked back, did a couple of great passes, worked hard.

Mcghee - 7. Had a game plan and stuck to it. personally I would like to have seen someone like Jarret/ Robinson given 15 minutes as they are capable of running at players and taking them on.

Shropshire Seagull

Well-known member
Nov 5, 2004
Henderson 6 - couple of fumbles but kicking was sound
Dodd 6 - steady, did put one hoof into touch which would have been beter sent down the line
Mayo 6 - short of pace but good positioning helped him out
Butters 7 - "The rock" nothing (much) got past him in the air - what he lacks in pace he more than makes up for in nouse (sp?)
McShane 8 - solid - and won't just hoof it one-touch Cullip style, he wants to PLAY football (can we keep him all year)
Reid 7 - I'm convinced he's a better midfielder than full-back - should have put the last kick of the match on target
Hammond 8 - great goal, good positional awareness - we'll get £1.5m for him within 18 months
Oatway 6 = worked hard, covered a lot of ground, still has a bit of headless chicken about him but looks a more refined footballer than 3 years ago.
Carpenter 7 - again worked hard, passing was crisp and accurate but he's not a playmaker
CKR - 7 covered a lot of ground and was hungry for the ball, was a bit of a handful and helded the ball up well - if he can develop a partnership with Knight there is some good potential there. Did throw his hands up in the air a little too much for my liking (Bobster style)
Knight 6 = quiet game, nothing spetacular apart from the free kick - just wish he would run at defenders a bit more.

Overall we were worth the drawn - we could have lost it as they did look dangerous at times, and LK could have won it but his free kick hit the outside of the post and went to safety with the keeper beaten.

Kinky Gerbil

Im The Scatman
NSC Patron
Jul 16, 2003
king Wombat said:
General thoughts on the team performance.

Defensively looked very vulnerable at times but Mcshane in particular was superb.

Going Forward, worked well as a unit but no flair from our midfield.

Henderson - 5. looked very shaky, don't think he actually held a shot/cross until about 75 minutes

Dodd - 6 Was personally a bit dissapointed. He is a classy player but my thoughts were that he seemed to be a yard off the pace, almost as if he believed the championship is slower than it actually is.

Mayo - 6, did ok, occasional aimless hoofing as is his wont, but fairly solid.

Mcshane - 9, my man of the match. Thought he was superb, tackling, passing, reading the game was excellent.

Butters - 6. Great as always in the air but left Mcshane exposed a few times, and is not getting any quicker!

Reid - 7. Did ok

Oatway - 7 - tenacious as ever

Carpenter 6. fairly quiet, but worked hard and showed some nice touches.

Hammond - 7.5. Was superb in the first half but much quieter in the second.

CKR - 8 - Great debut, unlucky not to get a penalty and seems to have a good shot on him

Knight - 7 - tracked back, did a couple of great passes, worked hard.

Mcghee - 7. Had a game plan and stuck to it. personally I would like to have seen someone like Jarret/ Robinson given 15 minutes as they are capable of running at players and taking them on.

Do you think mcghee will be looking for a new keeper?


New member
Jul 7, 2003
Bear in mind that Henderson has known his teammates for a very short time so allowances need to be made I think.


New member
May 9, 2004
We still have the French keeper on trial, and the FDM should be back in a couple of weeks.


Monkey in a seagull suit.
Apr 24, 2004
Way out west
I liked his kicking but there were a couple of situations where he miscalculated slightly, think we should still try and sign Blayney as he is better than anything we either have already or are likely to get (admit to knowing nothing about the French keeper though).

Kinky Gerbil

Im The Scatman
NSC Patron
Jul 16, 2003
dougdeep said:
We still have the French keeper on trial, and the FDM should be back in a couple of weeks.

Still not sure how ok Kuipers will be - It was a shocking injury and may have a weakness there.


Feb 8, 2005
blimey you lot not easy to please lots of 6's in the ratings

Shropshire Seagull

Well-known member
Nov 5, 2004
Gully said:
I liked his kicking but there were a couple of situations where he miscalculated slightly, think we should still try and sign Blayney as he is better than anything we either have already or are likely to get (admit to knowing nothing about the French keeper though).

What he said !

Normandy seagull

Well-known member
Jul 16, 2003
Orne 61 France
king Wombat said:
General thoughts on the team performance.

Defensively looked very vulnerable at times but Mcshane in particular was superb.

Going Forward, worked well as a unit but no flair from our midfield.

Henderson - 5. looked very shaky, don't think he actually held a shot/cross until about 75 minutes

Dodd - 6 Was personally a bit dissapointed. He is a classy player but my thoughts were that he seemed to be a yard off the pace, almost as if he believed the championship is slower than it actually is.

Mayo - 6, did ok, occasional aimless hoofing as is his wont, but fairly solid.

Mcshane - 9, my man of the match. Thought he was superb, tackling, passing, reading the game was excellent.

Butters - 6. Great as always in the air but left Mcshane exposed a few times, and is not getting any quicker!

Reid - 7. Did ok

Oatway - 7 - tenacious as ever

Carpenter 6. fairly quiet, but worked hard and showed some nice touches.

Hammond - 7.5. Was superb in the first half but much quieter in the second.

CKR - 8 - Great debut, unlucky not to get a penalty and seems to have a good shot on him

Knight - 7 - tracked back, did a couple of great passes, worked hard.

Mcghee - 7. Had a game plan and stuck to it. personally I would like to have seen someone like Jarret/ Robinson given 15 minutes as they are capable of running at players and taking them on.

As above but Henderson 6
Mcshane 8
Oatway 6


Active member
Jan 17, 2004
East Sussex
Henderson - 6 No real saves to make I thought he was fine. Great kick on him!

Dodd - 7 Excelent intelligent signing, great experience and another dead ball man, al la Chippy!

Mayo - 5, Slow so slow, and McGee knows this which is why he played forward and Hammond covered from time to time!

Mcshane - 8 Very promising and confident display. Trouble is we will have no one to match him when he leaves!!

Butters - 7. Back to his best, a good game well done Tank.

Reid - 7. He really is much better in midfield, his best postion.

Oatway - 7. Best I have seen charlie for a while.

Carpenter 6. Good but not his most influential game ever!

Hammond - 7 Seemed to tire in the second half but well taken goal.

CKR - 7 - Tried, shows that he hasn't played at this level, seemed to complain a bit too much (a la Knight last season). Good quality and I am sure will improve. Can't seem to head the ball!!

Knight - 8 - I am the first to slag him off especially last season when he was lazy and grumpy. However, today he worked very hard, some excellent touches, passed well, defended and even looked assured in midfield. My Man of the Match.

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king Wombat

Well-known member
Nov 9, 2003
wombat world
Re: Re: player ratings V Derby

KinkyGoebels said:
Do you think mcghee will be looking for a new keeper?

definitely. Thought Henderson was well dodgy. Not a patch on FDM or Blayney.

Course it is his first game but we can't afford to have a keeper 'bed in' - arguably the most important position in the team.
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New member
Jul 14, 2005
McShane was f*cking amazing, a rock, with butters easily Man of the Match, wveryone else was quite good.

Good interplay between Reid & Dodd in 2nd Half

Hammond good at getting foreward as usual

CKR & Knight, worked well together in patches, Leon's man marking job left him somewhat out of the attack.

Henderson was ok, he did his job, he's only a stop gap untill we get Blayney or someone else.

Mayo looked solid, and occasionly looked lazy and his lack of pace let him down on attack.

Kinky Gerbil

Im The Scatman
NSC Patron
Jul 16, 2003
Re: Re: Re: player ratings V Derby

king Wombat said:
definitely. Thought Henderson was well dodgy. Not a patch on FDM or Blayney.

Course it is his first game but we can't afford to have a keeper 'bed in' - arguably the most important position in the team.

I dont mind keepers punching - infact id rather have a keeper punch it 30 yards than try and catch it a drop it.

There seems to be an issue in England that when a keeper punches he is crap not mentioning the fact the punch is as good as a defensive header.

Silent Bob

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Dec 6, 2004
Well Henderson's one and only punch ended up just outside the 18 yard box at the feet of a Derby player. Plus he spilled everything.

Niemi played for Saints today with Smith on the bench. Hopefully a good sign for us and Blayney...

Kinky Gerbil

Im The Scatman
NSC Patron
Jul 16, 2003
Silent Bob said:
Well Henderson's one and only punch ended up just outside the 18 yard box at the feet of a Derby player. Plus he spilled everything.

Niemi played for Saints today with Smith on the bench. Hopefully a good sign for us and Blayney...

From what I heard he did sound like he flapped a little

Re: Re: player ratings V Derby

KinkyGoebels said:
Do you think mcghee will be looking for a new keeper?

Let's just say Blayney won't have been too worried if he was watching that. Early days for Henderson of course, but you hope the transfer comes soon.

king Wombat said:
General thoughts on the team performance.

Defensively looked very vulnerable at times but Mcshane in particular was superb.

Going Forward, worked well as a unit but no flair from our midfield.

Henderson - 5. looked very shaky, don't think he actually held a shot/cross until about 75 minutes

Dodd - 6 Was personally a bit dissapointed. He is a classy player but my thoughts were that he seemed to be a yard off the pace, almost as if he believed the championship is slower than it actually is.

Mayo - 6, did ok, occasional aimless hoofing as is his wont, but fairly solid.

Mcshane - 9, my man of the match. Thought he was superb, tackling, passing, reading the game was excellent.

Butters - 6. Great as always in the air but left Mcshane exposed a few times, and is not getting any quicker!

Reid - 7. Did ok

Oatway - 7 - tenacious as ever

Carpenter 6. fairly quiet, but worked hard and showed some nice touches.

Hammond - 7.5. Was superb in the first half but much quieter in the second.

CKR - 8 - Great debut, unlucky not to get a penalty and seems to have a good shot on him

Knight - 7 - tracked back, did a couple of great passes, worked hard.

Mcghee - 7. Had a game plan and stuck to it. personally I would like to have seen someone like Jarret/ Robinson given 15 minutes as they are capable of running at players and taking them on.

Agree with almost all of that. But I would be more generous with Dodd and Mayo though, who I thought looked assured and played a big part in the smooth, passing football we played - 7s from me for the fullbacks.


Sussex born and bred
Jul 5, 2003
dahn sarf
Henderson - 6 Looked nervous

Dodd - 8 great free kicks and corners

Mayo - 7

Mcshane - 9, my man of the match. Thought he was superb, tackling, passing, reading the game was excellent.

Butters - 8 Dependable and solid

Reid - 7. Did ok

Oatway - 7 gets better every season

Carpenter 7. Very workmanlike

Hammond - the next Virgo. His headers are great

CKR - 8 very pacy and worried Derby to bits. Should have had a penalty

Knight - 7 - worked hard.

Mcghee - 7. Had a game plan and stuck to it. personally I would like to have seen someone like Jarret/ Robinson given 15 minutes as they are capable of running at players and taking them on. (I agree with this assessment but got the feeling that MM was happy with the draw)

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