If you like the Cure then it is worth hunting down Blue Sunshine by The Glove. I just went a-hunting for a track to post and found this, which is a new (?) version of the original track. The original had female vocals but here the song is sung by RS himself. I had never heard it before. I post also another track to give a better flavour of the original LP. My vinyl was blue. The band was basically Robert Smith and Steve Severin of the Banshees, plus a female vocalist who was a hairdresser they met in a club (or somesuch). The album has bits of found sound, and quite a lot of it is instrumental. My favourite 'Cure' record.
Edit, youtube has a whole load of The Glove remixed with RS singing. Sorry, but I prefer the original so I am putting an original track at the top:
Agree, great album